Free or Open Source Software
Open Source Software often plays a key role in our work - either to be used in projects or simply as a source of inspiration.
The following list shows some of the software used in projects in alphabetical order:
- Apache Webserver (>20 years)
- Asterisk VoIP telephony (5 years)
- Bind DNS Server (>20 years)
- Hugin Foto Stitcher (4 years)
- Kopano Groupware Application (>5 years)
- LimeSurvey Surveys (2 years)
- Matomo Web Analytics (>5 years)
- MimeDefang Mail Filter (>10 years)
- MyPHPAdmin MySQL Administration (>15 years)
- MySQL Database Server (>20 years)
- Nagios Infrastructure Monitoring (>20 years)
- OpenProject Projektplannning und documentation (3 years)
- OpenVPN for safe, encrypted network connections (>15 years)
- ownCloud sharing and synchronizing data (5 years)
- phpBB Bulletin Board (4 years)
- phpLDAPadmin web based Administration of LDAP Servers (10 years)
- Spamassassin Anti-Spam package (>10 years)
- Squid Web Cache (>10 years)
- Wireshark Netzwerk Traffic Analysis (>15 years)
- Xen Virtualized Servers (10 years)
- Zope / Plone CMS Platform (15 years)